Update: 2016/10/15

New Year joint Forum (GIS FORUM TOKYO #95)
Theme;"Challenge 2016"

The Open Group Conference - San Francisco
"Enabling Boundaryless Information Flow™"

KDX Shinjuku 286 Building 2F(Shinjuku), Tokyo
TOGAF 9 Certification Course #28

【Open Summit 2016】Open Forum 2016 (GIS FORUM TOKYO #96)
Theme;"The specific actions for the open standards in 2016"

APO project "OSM on Innovation and competitiveness in SME, ROK"

SIOS building 3F(Minami Azabu), Tokyo
TOGAF 9 Certification Course #29

GIS FORUM TOKYO #97 & Open Technical Forum Tokyo 2016-2
Theme; "Open London Conference Theme should be noted and reported"

General meeting of CRM Board Members

GIS FORUM TOKYO #98 & CRM Executive Forum Tokyo 2016
Theme; "CCRM"

Yamada Bldg (Shinjuku-gyoen), Tokyo
TOGAF 9 Certification Course #30

APO project "Workshop on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for SMEs"

GIS FORUM TOKYO #99 & Open Technical Forum Tokyo 2016-3
Theme; "Open Austin Conference Theme should be noted and reported"

Yamada Bldg (Shinjuku-gyoen), Tokyo
TOGAF 9 Certification Course #31

13:30 -- 20:30 Tokyo American Club (Azabudai), Tokyo